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Stabilized Rice Bran 400g

Stabilized Rice Bran 400g

Regular price $5.99 CAD
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The outer shell of a rice kernel is the bran. Our Rice Bran is made from the outer brown layer of the rice kernel. The bran used is removed during the milling process that generates white rice for human consumption. Rice bran is naturally gluten-free.

Stabilized Rice Bran undergoes processing that inactivates an enzyme that would otherwise degrade the rice bran oil, turning it rancid. This process allows for a longer shelf life and does not affect the many nutritional property values of the Rice Bran.

Did you know Stabilized Rice Bran is also a popular additive to the diets of show horses? Show horses are scrutinized for coat and body condition. With its elevated fat content, stabilized rice bran is a good source of essential fatty acids.

Rice Bran is full of great nutrients, the bran contains a rich source of soluble fibre, which can help promote healthy weight. Some researchers suggest that soluble fibre can help:

– Encourage satiation after eating (making you feel full for longer)
– Feed gut flora and strengthen microbiome health
– Boost metabolism

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